Thursday, November 4, 2010

Skyline - Movie Clips

Skyline comes out November 12th. What's unusual about the film is that the physical production only cost $500,000. The final budget came out to about $10 million, that leaves around $9.5 million for visual effects..........gotta love Hollywood.

In this first clip, our group of survivors run away from a giant alien. Unfortunately one lady can't run faster than the fat dude from Dexter, so she gets eaten.....I think.

In this clip, our survivors see their rescue chopper destroyed by a giant alien.

In this last clip, that guy from Scrubs somehow narrowly escapes getting crushed by a giant alien foot.

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iammyself said...

thanks for sharing these clips

Anonymous said...

whoa! great clips, but I didn't like that in every clip there's an ad XD

Anonymous said...

Cool clips, they remind me of Godzilla.

I'll keep an eye out for this movie

anon1337 said...

I think it looks really good, can't wait.

Anonymous said...

I saw this movie the first time, when it was called "Independence Day." That guy is no Will Smith, I'll say that.

Michael V said...

yeah too much ads in the clips :(...

Green_Magix said...

Looks like a great film mate! Can't wait to see it!

a said...

nice clips, wonder how they made those special effects. How long have you been blogging?

Fred Rickerson said...

Cool clips, keep them comin.

Anonymous said...

Hooch is crazy.

Come At Me Bro said...

Sweet! said...

nice looks good

Mr. Riddler said...

We did a review of this film too. my movie writer thought the effects were great to. I personally didn't care for the film at all though :\

Doo said...

Most people who have seen it say its shit. Don't know until I do the same