Thursday, September 27, 2007

Jaws - Quint's Demise

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I don't know how this scene from Jaws has not already been featured yet. A classic, Quint's demise. Jaws came out in 1975 and it was rated PG, probably traumatized a lot of kids because of how graphic Spielberg's scene was. Top 10. Thanks to Mr. TIP for the request.

Related Shark Deaths
Deep Blue Sea - Samuel L. Jackson's Mid-Speech Death
Shark Attack 3: Megalodon

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Green Mile - Botched Execution

This shocking scene (sorry, had to do it) from the 1999 film adaptation of the Stephen King novel involves the botched execution of Eduard Delacroix. When Percy Wetmore, a spoiled and abusive guard, doesn't soak the sponge that goes on the headpiece of the electric chair the sparks start to fly. The dry sponge causes the sabotaged chair to overload and blast violent electrical currents all through Del's body, causing flames to erupt from his eyes and mouth, frying him to death. Percy, you bastard!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Suspiria - Dario Argento: Violent Deaths

Suspiria is a 1977 Italian horror film directed by "Giallo" master Dario Argento. The story is about a young American ballet student who arrives in Germany to attend a prestigious dance academy. After a couple of strange occurrences she begins having suspicions that all is not as it seems at the school. She eventually discovers the school is a front for a coven of witches who practice black magic. Entertainment Weekly rated the film #18 in its top 25 scariest movies of all time and said it had "the most vicious murder scene ever filmed." The first clip was actually on Bravos' scariest moments list. In the scene, some poor girl gets her face smashed through a window, stabbed in the heart(seriously, she gets stabbed IN the heart), dropped though a skylight and hung by the neck, Brutal! In the second clip, a woman tries to escape only to fall into a giant pit of barbed wire, ouch! Then gets her throat slit just to top things off. Two classic deaths from one classic movie.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Irreversible - Severe Head Trauma

After watching this clip your first words might be, "Whoa, that's pretty violent" or if you're like me, "Holy Shit, that's fuckin' awesome." Either way, you're going to have some kind of reaction to this ultra violent scene from the French film Irreversible. That's exactly what director Gaspar Noé wanted, in fact initial footage using a latex dummy wasn't violent enough, so they used C.G.I. (if you look closely you can see the digital augmentations) to kick it up a notch. The movie starring Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucci(Google her immediately)was so controversial Newsweek stated that it was the "most walked-out-of movie of the year."

The Godfather - Sonny gets Whacked!

The demise of Sonny Corleone was one of the most violent scenes of its time. Death by a hail of gunfire from a Tommy Gun, Sonny's death was painful to watch not just because of the brutality of the death, but because Sonny was everybody's favorite Corleone. Coppola was a fan of Bonnie and Clyde, so he staged Sonny's death in The Godfather to be reminiscent of the final death scene. In this clip, Sonny gets ambushed by Barzini's men at a toll booth with a barrage of bullets and to top it off, a kick in the face. Poor Bastard.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Wishmaster - Skeleton Pops Out

We're back! Sorry for the delay, but we were suffering from headshot week hangover. In fact headshot week was so popular that we couldn't fit all of it in 7 days, so we'll continue with part 2 another time. Today's movie death comes at the hands of the Djinn. The Djinn is the most underrated horror movie villain ever. Played by Andrew Divoff, the Djinn doesn't have an axe or machete to kill his victims, he uses wishes. With the overriding theme of “be careful what you wish for” in the films, wishes can have disastrous, horrific, and fatal consequences. Often, the genie causes harm to the loved ones or innocent people surrounding the wisher, making others pay for its master’s greed or ignorance, and he always does it in the goriest ways. In this clip from the opening sequence of Wishmaster, A Persian sorcerer sees what the Djinn can do first hand as a skeleton bursts out of a mans body and attacks people.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Bad Boys 2 - Slow Motion Headshot


Headshots are great, but nothing beats a slow motion headshot. In this clip from Bad Boys 2, the antagonist Johnny Tapia gets one to the dome in slow-mo. To top it off, he falls on some land mines and gets his upper body blown to pieces. One of the most underrated movie deaths in my opinion. Michael Bay certainly knows how to kill'em, movies like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Rock had some pretty good deaths. Bay is set to produce a remake of the Hitchcock film The Birds, he's also set to produce a remake of the original Friday the 13th. Let's hope he can bring something to those films. Most likely no.

Related HEADSHOT Deaths
Dawn of the Dead - Headshot!
Saving Private Ryan - Sniper Headshot
Maniac - Shotgun Headshot
The Godfather - Moe Greene Special

Friday, September 7, 2007

The Plague Dogs - Definitely Not Disney

The Plague Dogs is not your ordinary animated film. It may look like a cute Disney movie at first glance, but it's far from it. This is movie can become disturbing at times, maybe it's because there are scenes you wouldn't expect to see in an animated film. Scenes of animal cruelty and violence like this clip. I won't spoil it, so just watch. The film was directed and produced by Martin Rosen, who also directed Watership Down, another awesome animated movie involving some pretty violent rabbits. A must see. Thanks to Arxane for for the clip. Keep sending those requests!

The Godfather - The Moe Greene Special

Moe Greene Special at 3:45
When a headshot gets it own nickname, you know it's good. In the climax of the Godfather, Michael Corleone has Moe Greene and other enemies of the family killed on the day of his nephew's baptism. Greene is shot clean through the eye by an unseen Corleone assassin while getting a massage in one of his hotels. The method in which he was killed, where the victim is shot through the eye, came to be known as a "Moe Greene Special".

Related HEADSHOT Deaths

Dawn of the Dead - Headshot!
Saving Private Ryan - Sniper Headshot
Maniac - Shotgun Headshot
Bad Boys 2 - Slow Motion Headshot

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Maniac - Shotgun Headshot

This clip from the 1980 film Maniac was filmed in slow motion and lit entirely by the reflected headlights of the car. The scene was infamous and widely talked about because of how extremely graphic and realistic it is in its depiction of the damage caused by the man's head being blown apart at near point blank range by 12 gauge buckshot. Another great FX shot from the great Tom Savini.

Related HEADSHOT Deaths
Dawn of the Dead - Headshot!
Saving Private Ryan - Sniper Headshot
The Godfather - Moe Greene Special
Bad Boys 2 - Slow Motion Headshot

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Saving Private Ryan - Sniper Headshot

Headshots take precision and accuracy, but getting a headshot through the sniper scope takes Private Daniel Jackson. In this scene from Saving Private Ryan a sniper battle takes place between a German and American soldier. Berry Pepper's character amazingly shoots the German sniper in the eye through the scope of the rifle. Nice shot.

Related HEADSHOT Deaths
Dawn of the Dead - Headshot!
Maniac - Shotgun Headshot
The Godfather - Moe Greene Special
Bad Boys 2 - Slow Motion Headshot

Monday, September 3, 2007

Dawn of the Dead - Headshot!

We start "HEADSHOT WEEK" off with this classic clip from the original Dawn of the Dead. During the raid scene in the beginning of the movie, one crazy racist cop goes on a shooting spree blasting everyone in sight. He busts open the door and blows one poor guy's head clean off. In the original ending, Peter shoots himself in the head and Fran commits suicide by sticking her head in the helicopter blades. After changing the ending, make up artist Tom Savini didn't want Fran's fake head to go to waste. He dressed the head up as a bearded African-American man and used a real shotgun to film the scene. The result was one of the greatest headshots of its time.

Related HEADSHOT Deaths

Saving Private Ryan - Sniper Headshot
Maniac - Shotgun Headshot
The Godfather - Moe Greene Special
Bad Boys 2 - Slow Motion Headshot


The headshot. From video games to movies, it will either make people gasp or smile. Maybe its some kind of psychological thing or the visual of brain matter splattering on the wall, but the headshot always gets a reaction from the audience. Whether it's a handgun or a shotgun, it's pretty damn entertaining. What is your favorite movie headshot?

Related Headshots
Wild at Heart - The Demise of Bobby Peru
Dawn of the Dead - Headshot!
Saving Private Ryan - Sniper Headshot!
Maniac - Shotgun Headshot!
The Frighteners - Dammers' Demise
Wanted - Reverse Headshot
The Godfather - The Moe Greene Special
Bad Boys 2 - Slow-mo Headshot!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Final Destination 2 - Massive Pile Up

We're gonna finish Car Accident week off with a bang. This clip is arguably the most brutal car accident in movie history. The special edition DVD is a must, it includes how the whole scene was choreographed and filmed. From the toy cars they used to plan the sequence to the CGI logs used to plow into the police car(they tried using real logs but they didn't bounce enough) I recommend the DVD to any movie buff interested in how they created those fantastic deaths. So there you have it, some of the best car accident deaths in cinema today. What do you think? What did I miss? Leave your comments and let us know!

Related Car Crash Deaths

Meet Joe Black - Joe Meet Windshield
Dawn of the Dead - Hit & Run
Death Proof - Head-on Collision
Final Destination - Always Look Both Ways