Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Final Destination - Should've took the Stairs

Oh those Final Destination movies, there's only one reason we watch them......Movie Deaths. The bloodier and messier, the better. Who can forget the car crash from part 2 or that bitch getting run over by a bus in the first one. Sure, the movies have been getting worse and worse by each sequel, but the movie deaths are as bloody as ever....

In this scene, some dumb broad gets her foot stuck in an escalator. Shortly she gets sucked into the machine and crushed. Blood and guts get sprayed everywhere as she is ground up inside the escalator.
Next time.......take the stairs

What is your favorite death scene from the Final Destination series?


  1. Final Destination 1 was actually pretty good. They should have taken a hint from the title and stopped there though.

  2. Hahaha Damn that is really a bad way to go!

  3. There was someone who died because a basketball hit her in the head.

    Can't remember which one though.

  4. Honestly, this was one of my favorite FD's yet.

  5. I thought the second one was better with than the first. The first really didn't take the premise far enough.

  6. yeah i agree with shane 100 percent

  7. It always seems the 1st of a movie series is the best.

  8. The first Final Destination was the best.

  9. i liked the one where saw the tits of those chicks tanning

  10. My favorite death in the movies was the tanning booth one. It made me laugh XD
    I always thought people that use them are wasteful so it was a good just deserts.

  11. shane speaks the truth.

    they need to stop

  12. I've seen the firs three. havent seen this one yet.

  13. good organised blog tbh.

    and im a movie fan, so you can count on a daily visit hehe :p

  14. Final Destination movies are always good for a nice chuckle IMO.

  15. I happen to like the first three Final Destination movies, but the fouth one didn't cut it for me.

  16. i like final destination 1 the best!

  17. haha, one of the best deaths.

    Didn't think that film was the best tho.

  18. the first move is the only one worth watching

  19. What a great idea for a blog! will be following.

  20. I see you're quite devoted to death scenes

  21. Very nice review! Keep it up :D

  22. Some of the ways they come up for their deaths is awesome, but the actual content of the movies suck, then again, who is watching those for the content.

  23. I didn't care for the final destination series enough to follow them, But the one death i remember was one of a monitor fragment shooting into a neck, while the house burnt down and all hell was breaking loose. I don't think i've seen a cooler death than that one.
